Tag Archives: mortgage in retirement

Securing a Mortgage if You Are a Business Owner

Securing a mortgage if you are a business owner, director or self-employed may not be as difficult as you think, provided you have the right documents. 
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Save Valuable Time – Get Your Paperwork in Order!

The property market in Scotland today is fast-moving with properties are being sold well in excess of the Home Report value, and there are no signs of it slowing down any time soon. It’s important that you get all of your paperwork in order to avoid any delays in the sale of your property.

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Mortgages in Retirement 

Pensioners looking to help their children or grandchildren get a foot on the property ladder or who are stuck with existing interest-only mortgages could be offered a new type of home loan.

In recent months, we have seen a rise in the number of interest-only mortgages available to those in retirement age. This has made a huge impact for those looking for mortgages in retirement.

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A Guide to Building Insurance

You can’t put a price on feeling safe and protected in your home. Building insurance is probably one of the most important types of coverage that you’re likely to get out in your life.

It makes a lot of sense then to think carefully about which type of coverage best suits you and your family. To that end, here’s a quick guide to the basics of insuring your home. Continue reading A Guide to Building Insurance