Category Archives: Insurance


Understanding Your Options: Choosing the Right Protection Policy for You

Understanding Your Options: Choosing the Right Protection Policy for You

In life, unexpected events can occur, and having the right protection in place can provide invaluable peace of mind. When it comes to safeguarding your financial future, there are several key protection policies to consider: term life insurance, critical illness cover, and income protection.

In this guide, we’ll explore each option in detail, comparing their features, benefits, and suitability based on individual needs and financial goals.


taking out a life insurance policy secures your family's future

Term Life Insurance Explained

Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, typically ranging from 10 to 40 years. It offers a death benefit to beneficiaries if the insured passes away during the policy term.

The benefit of Term Life Insurance is often the most affordable option, making it suitable for young families, individuals with temporary financial obligations (e.g., mortgage, student loans), or those seeking coverage for a specific period.

It is ideal for individuals who need coverage for a limited time and want to protect against financial risks during critical life stages, such as raising children or paying off debts.


critical illnesses can be covered with a protection policy, created through monthly payments

Critical Illness Cover Explained

Critical illness cover provides financial protection in the event of a serious illness or medical condition. It pays out a lump sum if the policyholder is diagnosed with a covered critical illness listed in their policy.

The benefit of this is it offers financial support to cover expenses, rehabilitation costs, and lifestyle adjustments during recovery. The lump sum payout can also be used to replace lost income or to pay off debts.

Critical illness cover is suitable for individuals who want additional financial security beyond traditional health insurance. It provides peace of mind knowing that you’re financially protected against the financial impact of a severe illness or injury.


Income Protection Explained

Income protection is designed to replace a portion of your income if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury. It pays out a monthly benefit, typically a percentage of your pre-tax income, if you’re unable to work due to a covered illness or injury.

The benefit of this is it provides ongoing financial support to cover living expenses, such as mortgage payments and utility bills, during a period of incapacity.

Income protection is suitable for individuals who rely on their income to maintain their standard of living. It offers long-term financial security, ensuring you can meet your financial obligations even if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury.


life cover can help you if you are effected by terminal illness or financial issues

So how do you choose the right protection policy for you?

In summary, choosing the right protection policy depends on your individual needs, financial goals, and personal circumstances.

Term life insurance, critical illness cover, and income protection each offer unique features and benefits tailored to different aspects of financial protection. And by understanding your options and assessing your priorities, you can select the right protection policy to safeguard your financial future and provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

To discuss your options in more detail, please get in touch with our experts today on 01698 200050 or e-mail

What is the difference between contents, home and buildings insurance?

What is the difference between contents, home and buildings insurance?

Contents insurance, building insurance and home insurance are all types of insurance policies designed to protect homeowners. However, they each cover different aspects of your property.

Contents and buildings insurance policies can be take out separately, however home insurance cover is a combined package of both, which some find easier to keep on top of and manage.

This being said though, it is still beneficial to look around and explore what options are available and what best suits your budget.

Read on to find out more regarding each type of insurance cover.


contents insurance covers the cost of replacing items in your home

Contents insurance explained

Firstly, let’s discuss contents cover. Home contents insurance specifically covers the belongings inside your home, such as furniture, appliances, and personal possessions. It typically includes furniture, appliances, electronics, clothing, jewellery, and other valuable items that you keep in your home.

This insurance also covers your personal belongings when they are away from the home, such as when you are on holiday. It is designed to protect you financially in the event of theft, damage, or loss of your belongings due to various factors, such as fire, water damage, or natural disasters.

If any of the above events were to take place and your home is damaged, the insurer may then pay out to cover the cost of repairing or replacing the items within your home. And as well as this, contents insurance may also cover any legal liability if someone is injured in your home, such as if a visitor slips on a wet floor in your kitchen or if a family pet causes damage to someone else’s property. This is provided you take legal cover as part of your policy which does increase the cost of cover.

However it’s important to note that contents insurance policies will vary between providers, so it’s vital that you read the terms and conditions carefully before signing up. Make sure you know what is included in the cover and what is excluded. And you can expect the cost of contents insurance to fluctuate depending on the type and amount of cover you need, the value of the items you want to insure, any previous claims you have made and the level of risk in your area.


buildings insurance covers damage and protects the structure of your home

Buildings insurance explained

On the other hand, buildings insurance focuses on the physical structure of your home, including the walls, roof, and foundation. It can cover your home or other residential buildings from damage caused by events such as fires, floods, storms, subsidence, theft, vandalism and more.

Buildings insurance can also cover the cost of repairs, or even rebuilding your home in the event of a total loss. As well as this the cost of clearing away debris and even the cost of alternative accommodation if you’re unable to stay in your home during the process of repairs may also be covered.

However buildings insurance can vary greatly, depending on the type of cover you’re looking for and the insurer you choose, so make sure you shop around for the best policy for you. It’s also important to remember that you’ll usually need to take out buildings insurance before you can get a mortgage and you may need to provide proof of cover to your lender.

You should also make sure to read the small print of your policy carefully, so you know what’s covered and what’s not.


get in touch with the mortgage hub to discuss types of home insurance

Home insurance explained

Finally, there is home insurance – a comprehensive policy that combines both contents and buildings insurance often referred to as buildings & contents insurance. .

It offers coverage for both your personal belongings and the physical structure of your home. As above, this can include damage caused by storms, flooding, fires, even theft. It can also provide liability coverage for people who are injured on your property, provided your policy includes this.

Home insurance policies can vary in terms of the amount of coverage they offer, the amount of money they cover for each event, and the types of events they cover. Generally speaking, home insurance policies provide coverage for the structure of your home, your personal belongings, and any additional buildings such as a guest house or shed. Whilst some home insurance policies may also provide additional coverage for things like landscaping or other structures on your property.

Home insurance policies usually have deductibles or an excess, which is the amount of money you must pay out of your own pocket before your home insurance coverage kicks in. The higher the excess /deductible, the lower your premiums will be.

Be sure to read all of the details of your policy from your provider and ask questions if something is unclear.


get in touch with mortgage hub to discuss your home insurance policy

Interested in discussing your insurance policy with an expert?

It is important to carefully review the terms and coverage of each type of insurance to ensure you have the appropriate level of protection for your home. If you’re feeling a little uncertain and would like some more guidance, get in touch with your local experts at The Mortgage Hub (Monday to Saturday), on 01698 200050 or e-mail

Our team are on hand to answer any queries you may have and can research the available insurance options available to you based on your requirements.

Or click here for information regarding the further types of insurance that we offer independent guidance on.

Understanding Home Insurance

Understanding Home Insurance

Having the right insurance is vital – it can protect your home, your income and your belongings. However, once you’ve gone to the effort of obtaining the right policy for you it’s important to make sure you don’t do anything to invalidate your policy.
That’s why you need to talk to an independent advisor who knows the policies inside and out – and who can give you advice on the exclusions so that you know your policy pays out when it should, and that you’re aware of what can cause any issues should you need to make a claim.
Here’s an example of what can invalidate a house insurance claim:


If you tick the wrong box when you declare the type of lock you have in your home, and it’s wrong, your policy may be voided as this can have an effect on the premium you pay. The stronger your lock, the more secure your home is deemed to be. In addition, if you have window locks but don’t use them, your insurer can reject a claim if your home is broken into.


 If you state that you have a house alarm fitted at your property and it either doesn’t work properly or isn’t used and your home is broken into, your claim could be denied.

Securing your home 

If your home is broken into and there is no sign of forced entry then your insurer may not pay out, even if there is evidence that you have been burgled. In the small print of your policy there should be some guidance in ‘forced or violent entry’ which can indicate your cover. The same goes for your car should that get broken into too.

Vacant property

If you go on extended holidays – usually classed as such if it’s longer than 60 days – then your home is seen as unoccupied and your policy may be invalid, and a claim could be rejected. This goes for both break-ins and any damage due to flood or fire. Some insurers will even stipulate that it cannot be vacant for more than 30 days so check your policy before you take a long trip.

Advertising that your property is vacant

In today’s world of social media, we often post our holiday photographs whilst we are away. However, if you do this and your home is targeted by burglars whilst you’re away, it could invalidate your cover. Many thieves will scour social media to see who’s away and when and use this to gain entry into your home. This could be deemed as reckless by your insurer. If you do want to post holiday snaps wait until you are home stating that you ‘had’ a great holiday or make all of your posts private with a limited audience to close friends and family.

Specify your valuables 

If you have expensive personal belongings and valuables in your home such as jewellery, watches or expensive electronics, it could exceed your insurer’s ‘single item limit’ and you will need to list them separately. Many insurers impose a £2,000 to £3,000 limit. If you fail to specify items worth more than this amount, you may not be covered for these items.

In summary: 

Install high quality working locks.
Make sure your house alarm works and is used.
Ensure your home is locked when you leave.
Specify valuable items.
Don’t leave your home for extended periods of time without telling your insurer and consider using a house sitter.
Don’t advertise the fact that you are away.
Read your policy carefully and be aware of any exclusions.

I Have Just Taken Out a Mortgage – Do I Need Insurance?

If you have just taken out a mortgage, this repayment is likely to be your largest monthly outgoing. If you were unable to meet this payment each month, how would you survive and would you be at risk of losing your home?

There are several ways you can protect yourself and your family from being unable to meet your mortgage outgoings. You can take out protection insurance to cover your mortgage payments, or you could take out general income protection insurance. There are also the options of critical illness cover, and life insurance if you want to ensure your family can remain in the family home should anything happen to you.

Mortgage Protection

In a nutshell, by having mortgage protection insurance in place, the cost of your mortgage payments are covered should you become unwell or unemployed.

Mortgage protection insurance allows you to continue meeting your mortgage repayments, even if you are no longer in receipt of a regular income. There are three types available: unemployment, accident and sickness, and accident, sickness and unemployment cover. Obviously the more cover you have, the higher your premium.

The cost can vary depending on how much income you need to insure, and the insurance premium will take into account your age, the cost of your mortgage repayments and any underlying medical conditions, along with certain lifestyle choices which could increase your risk of illness. In addition, your job will be risk assessed as this can also affect your premium. For example, the policy will cost more if you are a heavy manual worker as opposed to computer programmer.

There is some flexibility on how your policy will pay out should you make a claim. You may want the policy to just cover your mortgage costs, or you may want it to cover all other outgoings. You can also choose to base the cover on your salary, with many providers typically paying out 50% of your monthly salary.

There is usually a period of time that you must be off work before you can make a claim, this is referred to as an excess period and can be anything from 30 to 180 days. Therefore, if you do take out this insurance we advise having enough savings to last until your insurance company starts to pay out and the more savings you have, and the longer the excess period – the less premium you’ll pay. There are policies that will pay out from the day you are off work, these are known as ‘back-to-day-one’ policies and will typically be more expensive than policies with an excess period.

Income Protection

Income protection is an alternative to mortgage protection, and will pay around 50% of your salary if you are unable to work because of an accident or illness. It tends to be more expensive than mortgage protection, as it will pay out for a longer period, for example until you can go back to work or reach retirement. However, this type of cover won’t cover redundancy.

Critical Illness Cover

Critical illness cover will pay a lump sum if you’re diagnosed with a serious illness, but it won’t pay a regular income.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is worth considering if you have dependents that you would want to stay in the family home. It will pay a lump sum in the event of your death and it could help your family repay the mortgage on your family home.

If you are interested in taking out insurance, talk to our experts at The Mortgage Hub. We would be happy to look at your individual circumstances and advise on the best policy. It’s worth noting that some companies will continue to pay your salary, or a proportion of it, for a set period if you need to take time off owing to illness.

You may also be covered by protection insurance from your employer.

How to save money on your household bills

During the more quiet summer months might be a good time to rethink your family budget, re-negotiate contracts and look at your overall household budget. After all, we could all benefit from the savings – either to make advance payments to the mortgage and build more equity in ur house, finance home improvement – or why not – travel more. Continue reading How to save money on your household bills

A Guide to Building Insurance

You can’t put a price on feeling safe and protected in your home. Building insurance is probably one of the most important types of coverage that you’re likely to get out in your life.

It makes a lot of sense then to think carefully about which type of coverage best suits you and your family. To that end, here’s a quick guide to the basics of insuring your home. Continue reading A Guide to Building Insurance

Joint Bank Accounts – Are They Worth Considering?

When it comes to finances, most people have a slightly different take on what is the ideal set up. And across the spectrum of living situations – from married couples, to couples living together, to flatmates with shared living costs, there are many instances where two people may decide the time is right to open a joint bank account. But of course, with any money related matter, there are both pros and cons to such an account; here, we take a look at the advantages and disadvantages. Continue reading Joint Bank Accounts – Are They Worth Considering?